zondag, juli 17, 2005

Hubbabubba bubblegum

Some good bubblegum: Hubba-Bubba.

Big League Chew

Big League Chew: this was the cool gum I was never allowed to buy. The older kids bought this and of course the baseball players themselves.


When I was little Abba-Zabba was very popular candy. They don't seem to sell it alot anymore. But you can find if you look around.


woensdag, juli 13, 2005

dinsdag, juli 12, 2005

Wild World of WONKA candy

Simply the best candy in the world! There's no more to say...

Enter the Wild World of WONKA at WONKA.com


woensdag, mei 04, 2005

What you NEED to doooo.....

Here's the proof we were at the Dr. Phil show! When my sister got married in California we visited the show. It was fun! My sister and her husband sent us the following message:

""You need to shut up and listen..." because you're on TV! Check it out!

Come on, Daniel, SMILE!!! This was your expression during your two minutes
of fame. We'll send the TV show on CD (with the fan mail) soon.

How cool it this!

Star-struck in Birmingham,
Patrick and Rebekka"


zaterdag, april 23, 2005


Love the Dilbert comics. They're so recognizable. I didn't like them as a student, because I didn't think they were funny - I just didn't understand the work humor. Now I'm working I do and I think they're hilarious.




My brother's and me at Disneyland in Anaheim and... Pluto of course. My old friend.


vrijdag, april 22, 2005

Our place

Our place Posted by Hello

After we got married we moved into this appartment.


Hello again!

My favorite comic is Calvin and Hobbes.


zaterdag, maart 12, 2005

Dr. Phil

Mirjam and Samuel Posted by Hello

We went to the Dr. Phil show. We'll prove it later on. After we went to the Dr. Phil show - which was fun! - we made this picture just outside Paramount pictures. The other guy in the picture didn't duck soon enough...


In the airplane

In the airplane Posted by Hello

Flying from Houston to California, my dad and I watch a movie. We seem to enjoy it...


vrijdag, maart 11, 2005

At Dana Point

Marc en Sam Posted by Hello

This is a picture of my brother and me on the Dana Point peer. We had a good time there with Aunt Margaret.


Hello World!

Hi everbody,

My first steps on the internet are via a Blog. Good for Blogger!
