woensdag, augustus 02, 2006

The Known World

I'm also reading "The Known World" by Edward P. Jones. Interesting book about slavery. Let you know what I think about the book when I'm finished ready it. For now: make sure you have a paper and pencil ready when you start reading it, there's lots of names and relationships between characters in the book!

The tipping point

gladwell dot com - the tipping point

I'm reading this book at the moment and enjoying! I love books that try to go beyond the ordinary and give an alternative view on everyday life. As soon as I finish ready this book, I'll tell you what I liked/disliked/didn't understand. For now: I agree with most of Gladwell's writing. I've read alot about complex systems (edge of chaos) and I'm wondering why he didn't use this knowledge in this book about (sudden) change...

dinsdag, augustus 01, 2006

Back in the US

We visited my sister and her husband in Alabama. It was good to be back and see them. We went to an Atlanta Braves game. They played the LA Dodgers and lost... Posted by Picasa